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spice up your life // cabinet style.

earlier in the week i had an epiphany… for our spice cabinet. we have tall cabinets on either side of the stove that store our spices and cooking oils. we had the one closest to the wall holding our spices – which honestly made no sense, because you could only see from one side. (hence the epiphany) So, I had spilled the salt inside the cabinet and then decided Tuesday was the day… we are cleaning out and moving the spice cabinet to the other side of the stove. (i will tell you now, this story has zero point… except there will be a free download the the bottom… so bare with me.)

while emptying out and going thru my spices i found Mustard Seed that expired in NOVEMBER 2002! I was a Junior in high school when this expired… what is it doing living rent free in my cupboard? we shall never know. So anyway, i put all the spices back – but onto the left side, where they rightfully belong. then i got looking and started realizing how much cleaner it would look and easier to see what we had if they had labels on both side. I scoured the internet for mere minutes before landing on the google of shopping : Amazon.com and found these magnificent glass jars (for 40% off i might add… *linked below*

next i got to work on some spice jar labels. I knew i wanted something super simple, and on both sides. i typed up the spices we used most often and sent to print. and by sent to print, i mean to the basement ink jet printer with some sticker paper i also purchased off that lit amazon.com site. *linked below*

not to like pat my self on the back, but i only wasted 4 sheets of paper before i got the sizing and stroke line juuuust right, and now i would love to share them with you! <3 Below you will find the 20 common spices on a pdf you can download and print right off your printer. (don’t forget to load that sticker paper… or grab some snazzy scotch tape) and then i used a table paper cutter to cute them in to almost, kinda not exactly perfect rectangles.. lets call it character for the fancy spice jars. if these go over well, i am hoping we can do an 80 pack of labels for cheap! 🙂 so please, gimme some feedback!

the labels are 1×2″ inside the box – i chose to cut them just a tad outside the lines to give it some white space around it – do as you wish 🙂

you have to tell me…. what is the oldest spice you found? can you beat 2002??
also… do i buy Mustard Seed again? knowing we haven’t used it in almost 20 years?

Stephanie | @homesweetgrove